The ‘European Union – Turkey Youth Climate Forum’ was held in Istanbul on Tuesday, October 26, where young people from Turkey generated constructive and solution-oriented proposals against the climate crisis within the framework of the Climate Diplomacy Week organized annually by the European Delegation to Turkey.
The forum organized in partnership of Bilim Virüsü, EU Information Center and the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey brought together 114 high school and university students who take mutual steps to protect our planet, undertake efforts in sustainability and are eager to make their voices heard by the world.
Representatives of the EU Delegation to Turkey, climate advocates and representatives of civil society organizations working in the field of climate also took part in the grand meeting.
Special attention was paid to the fact that the forum was a climate-friendly organization with the aim of reducing its carbon footprint. Preference was given to vegan dishes, environmentally friendly gifts and transportation.
Moderator Damla Özlüer opened the program in the Forum hosted by SALT, which produces exhibitions and public programs that encourage thinking and discussion about the climate and ecological crisis.
Şule Yücebıyık, the Founder of Bilim Virüsü, Fatma Çolakoğlu, SALT Research and Programs Assistant Director, Dr. Faik Uyanık, UNDP Turkey Head of Communication Department, Alper Acar, EU Delegation to Turkey Climate Change Sector Manager, Laurent Guirkinger, EU Delegation to Turkey Business Association Department Head, and Itır Ağırdemir, “The Time Is Now” Climate Ambassador, welcomed the young people with their opening speeches.
Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, Head of the EU Delegation to Turkey, Author Buket Uzuner, Artist Zülfü Livaneli, Climate Activists Melisa Akkuş and Rasul Hüseynzade expressed their opinions about the climate crisis and the future of our world at the second session moderated by Damla Özlüer.
Notes from the Forum
After the announcement was made for the European Union – Turkey Youth Climate Forum, almost 500 applications were received in 4 days.
114 University and high school students from Istanbul and 12 different cities participated in the forum and presented their suggestions.
Climate to Change Climate Ambassadors from 12 different cities (Ankara, Şanlıurfa, Eskişehir, Edirne, Denizli, Izmir, Kocaeli, Antalya, Bursa, Samsun, Konya, Diyarbakir) arrived in Istanbul by low carbon footprint transportation vehicles such as trains, buses and participated in the forum.
A total of 43 Climate to Change Climate Ambassadors met in Istanbul.
17 representatives from 9 different institutions (Çevko, TOG, Roots and Shoots, Fridays for Future, İklim Öncüleri, Girişimcilik Foundation, International Children Rights Ambassadors Association-ICHILD, Gönüllü Hizmetler Association, CIP-Sabancı University) participated in the forum.
19 EU Information Center Coordinators from 19 cities participated in the program.
The cities where EU Information Centers are located are:
Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Edirne, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Izmir, Istanbul, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Mersin, Samsun, Sivas, Şanlıurfa, Trabzon, Van
The young people who participated in the program were divided into 7 different groups and discussed in 7 different thematic and open space sessions.
Forum thematic areas:
Climate and Politics, Climate and Urbanization, Climate Justice and Rights, Climate and Gender Equality, Climate and Advocacy, Climate and Education, Professions, Specialties, Climate and Arts
Open space session headers:
International Actors, National Policy and Political Actors, Local Governments, the Private Sector, Media Organizations, CSOs and Civil Organizations.
Forumdan Notlar
Avrupa Birliği – Türkiye Gençlik İklim Forumu için duyuru yapıldıktan sonra 4 günde 500’e yakın katılımcı başvurusu aldı.
İstanbul’dan ve 12 farklı şehirden 114 üniversiteli ve liseli genç foruma katılarak önerilerini sundular.
12 farklı şehirden (Ankara, Şanlıurfa, Eskişehir, Edirne, Denizli, İzmir, Kocaeli, Antalya, Bursa, Samsun, Konya, Diyarbakır) Geç Olmadan İklim Elçisi tren, otobüs gibi karbon ayak izi düşük ulaşım araçları ile İstanbul’a gelip foruma katıldılar.
Toplam 43 Geç Olmadan İklim Elçisi İstanbul’da buluştu.
9 farklı kurumdan (Çevko, TOG, Roots and Shoots, Fridays For Future, İklim Öncüleri, Girişimcilik Vakfı, Uluslararası Çocuk Hakları Elçileri Derneği-ICHILD, Gönüllü Hizmetleri Derneği, CIP-Sabancı Üniversitesi) 17 temsilci foruma katıldı.
19 şehirden 19 AB Bilgi Merkezi Koordinatörü programa katılım gösterdi.
AB Bilgi Merkezlerinin bulunduğu şehirler:
Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Edirne, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, İzmir, İstanbul, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Mersin, Samsun, Sivas, Şanlıurfa, Trabzon, Van
Programa katılan gençler 7 farklı gruba ayrılarak 7 farklı tematik ve açık alan oturumlarında tartıştılar.
Forum tematik alanları:
İklim ve Politika, İklim ve Kentleşme, İklim Adaleti ve haklar, İklim ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği, İklim ve Savunuculuk, İklim ve Eğitim, Meslekler, Uzmanlıklar, İklim ve Sanat
Açık alan oturum başlıkları:
Uluslararası Aktörler, Ulusal Politika ve Siyasi Aktörler, Yerel Yönetimler, Özel Sektör, Medya Kuruluşları, STK’lar ve Sivil Yapılanmalar.