A Digital Literacy Learning Program was organized between April 13 – 15, 2021 in partnership with Bilim Virüsü and Özyeğin University.
At the end of the learning program in which 197 people participated, youngsters acquired the Digital Consciousness competence, which is among the competences of the 21st Century. In the program, participants were trained on Safe Internet, Digital Literacy and Cyber-bullying.
Young people developed competences that included accessing information through digital tools, questioning the information they receive, evaluating the information, using new media tools effectively, producing original digital content.
They also learned the necessity of being a digital citizen brought by the digital world along with Digital Literacy.
With Secure Internet training, they learned how to ensure the security of digital identity and how to detect malware.
They were trained on Cyber-Bullying together with the ways of being protected from increasing cyber-bullying and what to do about it. They learned about the factors and consequences of digital violence.